Serpea Tetras - Fin Nippers?


New Member
May 23, 2007
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Northern Ireland
Hi Guys
I need help.
I bought 10 Serpea tetras yesterday and introduced them to my tank which has 12 Neons, 4 Platies, 2 honey Gouramis and 6 Black Phantom tetras.
The problem is I think the Serpeas are nipping the fins of the other fish as some of them are very ragged looking today which wasnt the case yesterday.
Has anyone had this experience? The Serpeas are also known as Blood Characins as well. they are still quite small.
The fish shop has offered to take them back but I cant catch them!
Is this fin nipping likely to get worse or will it settle down?
I had this same problem several years ago, they are very nippy fish. I ended up having to take out half the water and remove all my plants and bogwood just to catch them. I'd never keep Serpae Tetras again, nasty little things. I doubt things will improve with them in the tank.
I had this same problem several years ago, they are very nippy fish. I ended up having to take out half the water and remove all my plants and bogwood just to catch them. I'd never keep Serpae Tetras again, nasty little things. I doubt things will improve with them in the tank.

Thanks very much.
I am beginning to regret buying them too.
I will probably have to resort to doing what ypu said to catch them which is a pain but I think it might be the only way.
The damage on some of the fins of the other fishes is terrible!
Yes serpae tetras are notorius for being fin nippers, particularly towards slow swimming fish with feelers like gourami's. You should always thoroughly research fish before you buy them as otherwise you can end up with fish like these which cause no end of problems.
Yes serpae tetras are notorius for being fin nippers, particularly towards slow swimming fish with feelers like gourami's. You should always thoroughly research fish before you buy them as otherwise you can end up with fish like these which cause no end of problems.

I know! :unsure:

I normally do research these things so well but went on the advice of the guy in the shop.

I won't be making the same mistake again! :angry:
I'd never keep Serpae Tetras again, nasty little things.

I'd heard this before and it put me off buying them.
I decided to go for red eyed tetras instead - they turned out to be just as bad!!!!
Ended up having to rehome them. Vicious little buggers!

So, a note to the original poster, please avoid these too
Serpæ are famed for their nipping tendency. In large enough tanks with a good sized group, they can usually be busy enough with their own interactions, but even then, they will nip anything passing by.
They really are great little fish, but vicious little things for sure. If they got bigger, they'd eat piranahs!
i've not long joined but have kept 6 serpea tetra for about 5 mounths now which are in my tank along with 6 neons, 5 zebra danio, 8 guppies and a sucker loach and so far have had no problems with them nipping other fish they do nip each others fins and i have been told to watch them if their numbers drop (through any dieing) as then they might start on the guppies and neons!! :rolleyes:
I found that sometimes there will be one Kamakazi in the group that will just go on a tear distroying everything it can and frequently doing enough damage that it causes deaths in the tank. If the culprit can be ID'd you may be able to change the dynamics of the group. But start getting them out for sure. In a quarantine tank you may be able to spot the culprit.

I had one like that. Once he was removed the group was fine and did well in the community for a long time. I and the fish went through a lot before we got it straight.
I owned those once and would never ever get them again, even in large groups they nip like there is no tomorrow. Probably my least favorite fish...good luck.

I have a 30 gallon with 4 serpae tetras, 6 red eye tetras, 3 black phantom tetras and 3 black mollies. All of the tetras shoal and there have been absolutely no problems from the start, no nipping or negative behavior. I'm very pleased with all the inhabitants of my tank and they are a beautiful mix to watch. So, I'm either very lucky or we just have really good karma in our house... 8)

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