Serpae Tetras


New Member
Oct 24, 2005
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My husband recently saw some serpae tetras at the store and wants to get some. I've done a little research and it seems that though they are listed as 'peaceful community fish' -_- at the store, they may not be so peaceful. Are their any fish that get along okay with serpae tetras? Would a group of 6 be the least I should get? What is the minimum size tank needed? I would appreciate any info or experiences with these fish.
Timmie2 :)
I got four as the very first fish in my tank because they are supposed to be very hardy. They are very beutiful fish and I have never had problems with aggresion. I just lost my last one at 2 1/2 years which I think is quite a good age. Sadly my other three died when my heater cut out.

They get along with all other tetras and I would imagine they wouldn't need a huge tank. Mine is only 3ft.
I have a school of 9 serpaes in a 55 gallon with 5 otocinclus, 2 opaline gouramis, 2 kribensis and 2 medium (4-5") clown loaches. No problem of aggression with any of their tank mates.
Try Tim's Tropicals or Elmer's for compatibility or community suggestions.
In a large enough group, they tend to keep most of their aggression on each other, although they will nip anything and everything, including much larger fish. Being front toothed, a small nip can actually do some damage. I found them too boistrous and haven't kept them for over 20 years.

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