Serpae Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Aug 1, 2005
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My brother wants to get some Serpae Tetras for his tank, but I heard they have big teeth. Also can they be kept in a community tank? :unsure:
I wouldnt advise him to keep these fish with anything that has long fins eg guppys,angelfish,gouramis or even neonsThey are nippers and I removed my 5 into another tank recently when I saw one nipping at my pearl gourami.
I have been told in here that they should be kept in groups of 6 or more which keeps them more peaceable
Having said that they are a really hardy fish and very active.Ive put mine in my mad tank--bleeding heart tetras/zebra/leopard/pearl danios and there has been no misbehaviour since!!
I am no expert but in my opinion I wouldnt keep them with anthing other than the same type of fast small fish and even with that I still think it was a sherpae that bit the tail off one of my wcm minnows. :sly:
It depends partly on what other fish he's keeping, but also what size tank it is and how many Serpaes he's keeping. Serpaes will keep the nipping completely among themselves if he provides a suitable size aquarium and a suitable sized shoal. When kept less then ideally people have more negetive experiences... of course.
I have six hi fin serpae. they were the terrorists of the tank. I have removed four of them and the remaining two are fine. So my experience doesn't agree with the general wisdom. I will put the other two with the group in a new tank community. It's just not an emergency any more. The serpaes are pugnacious in my experience. Maybe it was the ones I got? :dunno: I also saw what I thought was spawning behavior , so that may have been the problem, too

When there was a group of six hi fin serpaes my cockatoos and other shy fish snuck around and couldn't eat peacefully. I don't have the same level of problem with the black phantoms, bleeding hearts (who are 3" or more), silvertips, two spot, neon varieties, or glo lights. My tank is well stocked at the bottom, but well filtered and planted with lots of hidy places and caves. I want fish that are not stressed by an active community.

The serpae have a 20 usg to themselves now and still chase and nip. I have finally put them on a Melafix/Pimafix treatment as their fins had not been healing well. I will get the other two out and into the treatment tank today. As I mentioned elsewhere one seems to have lost an eye in the last 9/11 serpae war.

They are beautifull and striking fish tho.

Weaver, I would be interested in your experience with the "mad tank" as that is what I have in mind to lessen the load in my big tank and change the community slightly. Should I start a new thread?
my sons tank has 5.the bleeding hearts and the black widows keep them in check ha ha.
I have 6 in my 29 gallon and don't have any problems with them. Originally, there were only 3 and they did chase the corys and other tetras but since I added more, they are fine. They do chase each other sometimes but so do my pristellas. Actually, those 2 fish make a great contrast in a tank. THe serpaes are reddish orange and the pristellas are ivory white colored. They look good together.
29 gallons is what I would consider an absolute minimum for these guys, by the way, and a tank that's 3 feet long or larger is ideal.

Of course there's always exceptions to any 'wisdom'.
Thanks, freddyk, I'll keep it in mind.

The length of the tank is one reason that I am hesitant to move the silvertips or the lemons in. Actually the silvertips were constantly losing their tips with the hifin serpaes. Maybe with a large enough shoal the hifin would be less pugnacious. They are real beauties. Especially the alpha. But even with six, they were killing one. That has stopped now. There is chasing and nipping, but it is not deadly anymore.

I don't have a problem with my bleeding hearts, black phantoms, lemons, silvertips, two spot.... They all just chase around and dart warnings at each other. But this group of serpaes are deadly.

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