Hello All,
I have 6 serpae tetras in a 45L with 2 platies and 2 swordtails. At first they schooled around the tank and now they have basically just divided the tank into 6 sections and live there by themselves. They do not bother the platies or swordtails at all and only occassionally spat over territory. What does this mean? Should I add more tetras to get them to group up more?
I have 6 serpae tetras in a 45L with 2 platies and 2 swordtails. At first they schooled around the tank and now they have basically just divided the tank into 6 sections and live there by themselves. They do not bother the platies or swordtails at all and only occassionally spat over territory. What does this mean? Should I add more tetras to get them to group up more?