serpae tetra


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
i am just courius, is the serpae tetra a live bearer? i need to know, for classified reasons.
Nope, the serpae tetra is a 'Tetra'.

is the serpae tetra a live bearer

No, livebearers are fish like guppys, mollys, swordtails and platys.

The serpae is not a livebearer but a tetra.
I think he means to say that all tetras are egglayers ;) ... so for the serpae tetra being, well, a tetra ... it's not a livebearer
ok, dang, i can't give them the mushed up peas, oh well, this topic can be closed.
Actually, why can't you give them mushed up peas? You can give this to any fish really :) Some fish won't eat it, but you won't know that untill you try!
There's no harm in trying to feed them peas as they benifet practically all fish but you cannot feed them entirely off peas of course though.
Tetras are egglayers meaning they lay eggs which then hatch out into fry, while livebearers quite literally give birth to live developed fry instead of eggs- they are similar to humans in that sense :) .

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