Serpae Tetra?


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
Warrington UK
Ive got an established community tank and want a bit of colour.

The serpae tatra is v.nice looking. would this fish be a good addition??
What other fish have you got? The serpas are well known fin nippers, so go best with fairly robust fish+ no long flowing fins.
Ive got

6 tigers

2 pengatius ( i know i'll need a bigger tank sooner or later)

1 red tail

3 congo tetras

3 rams

2 clown loach

1 sail fin plec

1 indian algae eater

I just like the look of thwe serpae, think they would compliment my albino tigers.
if this is your 180ltr tank (listed in your profile)
I would say that you are at your limit of current stocks.

If it were me, I'd rehome the clown loaches, pengatius, congo tetras and sail fin plec
then I'd add at least 2 more tb's.
once that is done then, and only then, would I consider adding more fish.
I wouldn't go for serpaes but somthing similar like the Roberti Tetra
Moenkhausia robertsi
Yeah it is, ive gone off fish per gallon (bit under actually) but only because my plec and pengatius are only small babies! im getting a 400l tank in about 3months (maybe a little smaller) to replace the 180L and rehome all the fish.

I'll heed your advice and stick with the gang ive got! They are great!

but i do know that my bigger fish will need a bigger home soonish!

Thanks again for the help

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