Seriously Considering Closing Down My Tank


Aug 20, 2010
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Hi all,

Ok my tank has been up and running for around 6 months, im posting this as a "Last resort" to be honest. If the suggestions here don't help resolve the issue im considering closing down my tank.

For the past month I seem to be getting brown algae on the glass and sandbed, hair algae and red algae (not slime just red patches on the rocks).

Now so far I have tried the following in order:

1) Phosphates were high so purchased a PhosBan reactor and Phosphates are now as close to 0 as possible
2) Reduced lighting times from 12 hours a day to 10
3) Reduced feeding
4) Increased flow with an extra power head
5) Done a 50% water change
6) Increased CUC
7) Started cleaning the external filter media weekly
8) Completely took apart skimmer and cleaned it

I have read on some forums that most tanks go through this about 6 months in but it does get better its just the aquarium maturing, is this true?

The only other thing I can think of is I havent replaced the lights, they are about 6 months old, will changing the tubes really make any difference?

I dont want to keep just keep chucking money at things in the hope it will make things better, I also dont want to start my sump project or purchase anymore corals for the tank until I can get this under control.

Anyone got any suggestions, advice or other things for me to try.

What media are you running in your external. These can become nitrate factories. what are your nitrate readings ? Maybe replace the media with LR rubble. I'm a complete marine noob though so take my suggestions with a pinch of salt and i'm sure someone more experienced will be along shortly.
What media are you running in your external. These can become nitrate factories. what are your nitrate readings ? Maybe replace the media with LR rubble. I'm a complete marine noob though so take my suggestions with a pinch of salt and i'm sure someone more experienced will be along shortly.

Thanks for the reply, I use the media below but after reading they become Nitrate factories I have started cleaning all the media including sponges every week. I do plan on removing the external filter and installing a sump but dont want to start this project until I get this under control.

Media 1
Media 2
Media 3

My Nitrate reading is between 20-40ppm so not as good as I would like it but not terrible.
This is all a natural part of the tank cycling in my opinion. Mine did it for 6-8months and then it went. Dont give up, it will be the biggest mistake you do.

Tell me a few things..

Have you removed the algae first? Ie. Siphoned up the slime, pulled the hair out, wiped the glass, eyc etc and then done a water change? Cos I always found that helped!

Secondly, there are animals that help, such as Blue cheek goby, and a couple of conch's are good for sand sifting an cleaning? What is you CUC?

I wanted to give up hundreds of times - but the end result has been soo good and I watch my tank more than my tv now!!!

Would like to see your readings too please?
This is all a natural part of the tank cycling in my opinion. Mine did it for 6-8months and then it went. Dont give up, it will be the biggest mistake you do.

Tell me a few things..

Have you removed the algae first? Ie. Siphoned up the slime, pulled the hair out, wiped the glass, eyc etc and then done a water change? Cos I always found that helped!

Secondly, there are animals that help, such as Blue cheek goby, and a couple of conch's are good for sand sifting an cleaning? What is you CUC?

I wanted to give up hundreds of times - but the end result has been soo good and I watch my tank more than my tv now!!!

Would like to see your readings too please?

Thanks, I really dont want to close it down as like you I sit there for hours watching it rather than the tv.

To answer your questions.

Yep removed all algae before water change.

CUC is, 5 blue legged hermits, 9 snails (different types), cleaner shrimp, 4 peppermint shrimp. I also have a chalk goby for sand sifting.

Readings are:

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20-40ppm
ph: 8.0
Phosphate: 0

I also have about 27kg of live rock
You seem to be running all the right media so personally I would put it down to the natural process of the tank. A tank doesnt really establish until it's 12 months old at the earliest so this sounds like a natural process.

I to have diatoms on my substrate surface and what seems to be a sudden come back of green hairy algae but my tank has been constantly messed with for the last 4 months so I am now adding a reactor but basically I'm just leaving the tank to do it's job and just keep to my routine water changes weekly.

Don't shut your tank down mate you'll regret it, just keep doing things as normal and give it chance.

May be just coincidence but my diatoms appeared since I increased the flow to the surface?????
You seem to be running all the right media so personally I would put it down to the natural process of the tank. A tank doesnt really establish until it's 12 months old at the earliest so this sounds like a natural process.

I to have diatoms on my substrate surface and what seems to be a sudden come back of green hairy algae but my tank has been constantly messed with for the last 4 months so I am now adding a reactor but basically I'm just leaving the tank to do it's job and just keep to my routine water changes weekly.

Don't shut your tank down mate you'll regret it, just keep doing things as normal and give it chance.

May be just coincidence but my diatoms appeared since I increased the flow to the surface?????

I really dont want to but amd really losing heart in it because im doing everything I should be but just appears to be a never ending battle.

Diatoms appeared since increased surface flow..!!! #129###.
How bad algae are we talking?

If I clean the glass and sand in 2 days it starts to build up again.

I have to do mine daily to keep the glass clean as I get build up over night

Regarding increased flow I'm 50/50 coincidence or cause

I have no problem with cleaning the glass every other day but I never had to up until about a month ago, it would take all week before it needed cleaning which is why im thinking either something is wrong or I have reached the tank life where it is starting to mature and will start to get better.
How bad algae are we talking?

If I clean the glass and sand in 2 days it starts to build up again.

I have to do mine daily to keep the glass clean as I get build up over night

Regarding increased flow I'm 50/50 coincidence or cause

I have no problem with cleaning the glass every other day but I never had to up until about a month ago, it would take all week before it needed cleaning which is why im thinking either something is wrong or I have reached the tank life where it is starting to mature and will start to get better.

Just keep on top of maintenance and as long as the water is good and the fish are happy and healthy then just let things happen naturally.
It will all come good in the end.

If I get worried about my tank I just test for everything and if all the readings are good I just let out a huge sigh of relief and leave the tank to it.

............And consult you guys too! Lol!
Oh Jay, dont give up now, our tanks do seem to go through this sort of thing from time to time, hang on in there :good:

Extra flow does NOT cause diatoms, nitrate does, if I see diatoms in my tank I know I need to do a water change

Seffie x
Oh Jay, dont give up now, our tanks do seem to go through this sort of thing from time to time, hang on in there :good:

Extra flow does NOT cause diatoms, nitrate does, if I see diatoms in my tank I know I need to do a water change

Seffie x

Thing is im doing the 20% water changes every 2 weeks religiously, in fact I did a 50% water change last weekend which didnt help one bit.

I don't know what else to do to lower my nitrates, any suggestions?
I very well respected old salt on here once said to me...........

20/25% weekly, will solve most problems in a smaller tank :good: I kept to this, doing 25% every week until I sold my 128 litre tank and would follow this if I ever buy a smaller tank again

Seffie x

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