Serious Water Problems


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
Union County, New Jersey
I have a relatively new 20 gallon tank with currently 3 swords, 2 mollies (one just passed away, 1 dwarf gouramis (1 also just passed away) and one pleco. One of the mollies is sick and is a hospital net on the side of the tank because she is getting picked on.

I have been regularily testing the water since I set up the tank. I was doing just fine until right around the time I added the last fish, the 2 gouramis. Now, my water quality seems to be steadily declining.

I have been doing partial water changes the last few days to try to help it along plus I added StressZyme and Ammolock three days ago.

Today the levels aren't even slightly better.

PH: 7.6
Ammonia: 7.0
Nitrite: somewhere above 5.0 (off the chart I have)

Any suggestions what I should do. I think the sick molly may die if something doesn't change real soon.

I'm going now to test the levels in my baby tank (i used the same water when setting it us)
The partial water change is a good thing. Check the water you are putting in before adding it, just to make sure you are not putting the high nitrite in during the change.

Check your filter cartridge. I have had problems in the past with contaminated filters brand new from the store. Just to be safe, I would change the filter also.
denas is correct.

How long has this new tank been set up? Has it already been thru the cycle and is now doing this?

Whether it's already been cycled or is currently being cycled, like denas said, do a water change or all fish will die with params as high as that.

I would suggest a 10% water change. No more than that tho if it's being cycled. More isn't better in the cycling stage.
Hey, the tank is about a month, little more, old. I did add a few fish too soon but waited to add more until the water had stabilized so I think this is a new problem. I'll check the water I'm adding today though I don't think that is it since my goldfish tank and my baby tank's water is fine.

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