serious velvet problem


Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2003
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right......anno ive already posted lots about my velvetr problem but im gettin really worried now

......can any1 tell me what happens to the fish when they got the stages of it....coz their fins seem like they are disintigrating.....and skin peeling off.....but im not sure if it is skin or mucus or what....really dont wanna lose these fish
Sorry hon I've never had it (well I mean my fish!!) - wish I could help :(

Found this scary looking scientific article on velvet online, hope it helps.

Also a lot of websites seem to recommend switching your lights off, don't know if you've tried this?

Good luck.
All i know is that it is a particually nasty disease and fish that are infested with it rarely make it :( The trouble is that by the time you have detected it its normally too late for the fish you noticed it on.
Follow the instructions i gave you in your previous post and you should get the problem beaten, remember the tank must be in complete darkness so whatever you cover the tank with must fit right the way over it.
I had a bad case of velvet about 8 months ago that claimed the lives of 5 catfish, the punishment i got for introducing a fish i rescued from a lfs sump tank without quarentining, at the time i didnt have a tank big enough to quarentine the fish in. The disease takes at least 10 days to be gone and id recomend keeping the treatment up for a extra week after the last signs of it just to make sure its gone.

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