Serious Tank Problem, all my tetras dead or dying


New Member
Mar 14, 2005
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hi all, tried searching this forum but did not turn up anything similar..
I have 2 tanks, one planted and one more established, unplanted tank.
Tried 2 weeks ago to put some black tetras and red tetras into the planted tank but they end up dying 1 to 2 per day. Took the remainder out and put them in the established tank.

The planted tank has 2 corys, 2 ottocinclus and some yamato shrimp. The funny thing is that all of them are fine.
Tried few days ago to introduce a new batch of black and red tetras after I changed half the water in the planted tank. still the tetras died on a daily basis.
They start out fine, then one of them will start to swim wierd and lose its balance and sense of direction. Then will die within the hour once the symptons start.
The black tetras will have patchy body color, losing its black on some areas. Other than that no other visible injury.

I have ammonia check which is zero, nitrites zero, ph about 6.8-7. Oxygen pumped in, and C02 for the plants.

Out of the 12 blacks and 12 reds, I've now got only 4 blacks and 3 reds...
Anyone has any ideas?
Much appreciated...
How long have you had the tanks running? Are there any other fish in there? Are you adding them all at once? It seem pretty odd that all your measurements are 0 and have all of the fish dying like that. I would wait before you even attempt to add more.
Hi there, I've got the tank with plants (the problem tank) running for about 1 month plus with the plants and the corys in for about 1 month (placed them in with the first batch of tetras about 2 weeks after the plants and water and gravel)...
The shrimp and ottos are in for about 5 days along with the 2nd batch of tetras...
no problem they all..

I've moved most of the surviving tetras out into the 2nd tank already to prevent further losses..

Any idea of the direction to go?
I do suspect poisonous material in the water but the ottos and corys and shrimp are fine..
Neon Tetra disease?
The powerhead too strong? I've switched it off for 2 days but they are still dying..
Was the tank cycled when you added the fish, what was the ph of the place you got them from to your tank, also white patches on the body can be columnaris, was the white patch under the dorsal fin.
Oh ok, the NTD will have bent spines? So that will rule out the disease...
Guess prob the water go some problem..
Last night I checked, left 1 out of the 2 tetras inside still alive which i was unable to catch and transfer over to my other tank...

The ones over at my other more stable tank, think 1 more died...

The tank should be cycled as I've got the cories inside for weeks...

The Ammonia counter which I have (the seachem one you stick to the side of the tank, showed no Ammonia) and I did a test with the tetra Nitrite tester tested no nitrite ...

Think I will do a water change >1/2 of the water sometime later and wait till it stablise again before I buy more tetras...

Thanks for all the help!

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