Serious help needed!


New Member
Aug 7, 2005
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One of my albino cory cats is acting and is very sick. I have had him in a quarantine tank for over 2 weeks now, and his condition seems to have gotten worse. He lays lethargicly on the bottom, and has red patches on his body, near the anal fins, but on both sides of the body. I assume this is a skin aliment, and have been treating him with Melafix and daily water changes. The melafix is also healing fins, which were torn by aggressive zebra danios. Someone please help, i fear that the cory might die soon :/
Are you using dechlorinator at all and what are you feeding the cory? Does the affected area's on his skin have a cottony or slimey appearence- is his flesh eroding away?
using dechlorinator, feed them hikari algae wafers, no fungus, just looks like blood just under the skin, like a bruise but red
It sounds like septicemia to me, unfortunatly as long as the tank is heated accordingly, has good filtration and water quality, the tank lights aern't being left on for more than 10hrs a day and you are using a mild antibiotic like Melafix, thats all you can do realy.

Septicemia is primarily a stress related illness, like if the cory was being stressed out loads by other fish or was suffering from enviromental factors like poor water quality or big temperature fluctions etc, mild stress-free antibiotics are usually recommend for this illness or a water down dose of anti internal bacterial med. It sounds like you are doing all you can im afraid :/ .

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