Serious Algae Advice Please!


Fish Geek
May 8, 2006
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Well the bottom line here is I started my new tank about 3 weeks ago and messed up big, did not plant enough fast growers to combat the algae now I'm paying the price and would really appreciate some comments/help....

The tank is a 180litre with CO2 (1bbs) giving approx 30ppm

Current things done:
  • Clean up crew is 2 BN plecs, 4 Otto's and 4 amano shrimp
  • Added 2 x tropica rotala
  • Adding some salvinia minima
  • Cut down lighting from 75w to 50w
  • Cut down photo period from 10hrs to 8hrs
  • 1 very small feed per day (for Clown Loaches only)
  • Small water change every 3 days
Thinking what to do next:
Thinking of adding some elodia densa
Thinking of shutting down the CO2

I've attached a pic of the worst affected plant, when the plants start starving the algae, should this all dissapear (eaten or whatever)


Any other suggestions are MOST welcome!! :good:
Remember, it is a large biomass of healthy, fast growing stems that will keep the algae at bay. Cutting down on light and CO2 is putting you in a Catch 22 situation because you are taking away things that are beneificial to your plants.

My tank was a 120l that was initially planted with at least 200 stems of fast growers. I had some thread algae problems, but they were concentrated on my Egeria Densa. Once I had thrown all these stems away, the thread algae was 99% beaten.

Believe in the system you are using and give your plants everything they need to win the battle for you. GET LOTS OF FAST GROWING WEEDS! Not some.....LOTS!

Cheers, Dave
Hi Dave, thanks for the help!

I totally see you point about NOt shutting down light and CO2.... Will keep it all rocking. I presume I should NOT add any nutrients to the water column? What will happen to the algae on the plants, will it just get eaten?

I've also read that you should really refrain from removing algae frequently from the sides of the tank as it encourages growth, is this true?

I've just ordered 20 Cabomba Aquatica, 25 Elodea Densa and 25 straight Valis... Fingers crossed they help!!
Just another question, will having my CO2 shutoff at the same time as the lights cause any significant inbalance?
I use a solenoid that switches my CO2 on and off with the lights. Injecting CO2 during lights out is a waste because the plants are not using it.

The only change I get with the CO2 off is a pH rise of 0.4, which causes no problems at all.

Great stuff.... I guess nothing is as important as getting a load more fast growers in the tank!

What do you think of micro nutrient dosing in the water column - I've bought Seachem Flourish but not sure if I should use it now...??
Your plants will need micros as well and Seachem Flourish seems to have a good reputation.

You could try Flourish Excel as another source of Carbon for you plants. It has the added benefit of killing off some types of algae and, because it is not actually being used as an algicide, it`s not as if you are cheating.

Hi Dave,

Thats great advice, have just googled it and found loads of sucess stories! I will get all the plants delivered and in the tank and will treat with Flourish Excel... Fingers crossed I will have learnt my lesson!
Just be aware that it has been known to affect some plants too. I think Vallis can suffer if Excel is overdosed.
I have this problem, complete pain in the ass aint it? :S hope you get it sorted.

Hi mate, you're kidding!! What a mare!

How are you getting it sorted.... I'm open to all ideas!

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