Serapes, Red Tail Sharks, Bleeding Hearts! Black Skirt Tetras And


Fish Addict
Apr 27, 2006
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:/ will these all go togehter? mildly agressive tetras all together?

oh and a shark..
serpaes are very nippy fish, so beware black skirts! i would suggest a more peaceful tetra if you want to keep black skirts - maybe neons or cardinals.

as for the shark in a tetra tank, i would not recommend it. they are highly territorial. my tank has one rainbow shark, and though he isnt a killer fish i wouldnt bring any more tetras into my tank, without making arrangements for him first.
What size tank? If less than a 55g I wouldn't add the RTBS. He'll most likely make life misearble for the tetras. IME, with barbs and tetras that can be nippy, if they nip him once, he'll never forget it and harrass them to no end.

I had to take my Tiger barbs out after they nipped him and he made daily assualts at them until he killed one, I just decided to move the others to a new tank.
what about red FIN sharks? I hear they are a bit better.. I knwo a guy that had two with congo tetras (ina 200 gallon) and they only bothered each other.
in my attempts with red tail black seems like they get into their moods. i had one in a 100 gallon tank and i kept with a few angels and he basically kept to himself but one day he got really agressive and tore that angel up...i was abel to get that angel back to health and i put him back in and the shark never bothered anything again..unfornatly the shark died recently..but those little guys are unpredictable at times.

ive also had a red finn shark and those are a bit more docile.
:/ well i got a red finned shark. he is only 1/2" long!!! ut he seems hhappy.. as long as tetras stay out of his house (the breeding basketyt that fell down) he doe snot bother anyone.

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