Sera Algovec in a planted tank - will it starve my plants as well as algae?

Nick Emmons

New Member
Nov 17, 2022
Reaction score
Hastings, UK
I've just bought a couple of boxes on Sera Siporax Algovec as they had it in my local fish shop for £2.99 a box - with a nice net bag too! As I've seen it for around £15 a box online I snapped it up.

I bought it to use in my planted tank as I made the huge mistake of using rocks from the garden when I set it up a couple of years ago and there was an algae bloom the like of which I've never seen before in all my 45-odd years of fishkeeping! I suspect the rocks were leaching silicates into the water. Anyway, I still have bad problems with hair algae even now two years later as I suspect the Tropica aquarium soil powder probably absorbed a load of silicates at the time and has been slowly releasing them ever since. It's getting better slowly but it's taking a very long time!

So anyway, back to the point.... I thought that the Siporax Algovec might help with my algae situation a bit, however I'm concerned that as it reduces algae by competing with it for phosphates, that this may have an impact on my plants as well? Not that I have that many as I've not restocked since it all went horribly wrong as they'd just get swamped by algae anyway, but there are a few survivors. And if I can keep the algae down then I'll happily invest in some new plants. And even a CO2 system in time.

Anyone have any experience of Siporax Algovec in a planted tank? Are your plants ok with it?

I also snapped up some Sera Silicate remover too - also for £2.99 per box! If I use that with the Algovec do you think that would be too much? So many questions!

Any advice greatly appreciated. :)
The Sera Siporax Algovec in itself may be safe (worried much more about fish here if any are present), but it also should not be necessary. Do you have tests of the water to confirm phosphates, and if yes, what is the level?

Having said that, "problem" algae is caused by an imbalance of light/nutrients and is correctly solely be establishing or re-establishing the balance so the plants benefit and algae is thwarted. Adding any substance to short-circuit this is not safe for fish.

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