September 20 Aandtsociety Marines Collecting Trip


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2009
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Another great club day out appreciating the beautiful ocean areas we have here in the south east and catching a few aquarium species for our tanks.
Now that some of the new memebers are geting more experience with collecting the club sponsored three day rental house on the water in November should be very interesting as to who gets what for their aquarium.

There were several other groups doing the same thing yesterday where we were and a couple of us joined in to help another guy for some tang herding for some indemic tangs for his aquarium.

The day was warm, the water for this spot was clear, the swell was small, basicly perfect conditions were watched carefully in planning to give us the best spot on the best day.

These are a few of us getting our snorkelling gear ready for the day’s activities,in the shade of course.


A couple of the keen clubies that got in first.

Just a few of the standard clean up crew a few of the clubbies were after.

One of the male lawn mower blennies collected on the day.

One of the guys likes a few cowries in the tank.

A very common algae from the area,looks nice in the tank in the right spot,until it gets eatern.

These are the types of corals in the area.lots of ausy acans there.

One of the guys in the water first,his spear broke nearly straight away,oh well just collecting for him.

A very nice spot as the club has been coming here since the 1930s,of course it is different now.

The day was so good we didn't get home until after dark.
Yet again, I'm just sooooo jealous - what a wonderful day and then that lovely evening sky, bliss

Seffie x
why do you take spears :S?
we do see quite a few sharks out there depending on where we go,sometimes we go up to 50ks out to sea to some spots.

Just lately there have been a few extra whites out there as well as the standard sharks and one minor attack on one of us in the last 12 months.

Some of us do some spearfishing as well while out there.

Also we will get some cray fish for dinner,infact sometimes that is all we will get but i don't put those trips on aquarium forums,i will put a pic or two of some speared stuff after this to show what else we do while out there while swimming around if you like to see what else we do.

Some of the crays we get.

Some of the fish to get out here as well.

Bull sharks are good eating as well.

Everyones favourite to eat and very common out there are parrot or tusk fish.

Sometimes we will do some water skiing on a trip or two,fishing and maybe chuck in the anchor behind the surf and take a couple of boards for a surf as well, i use a small mal these days.
Those cray fish look yummy but the parrots :sad:

Seffie x

and did you say Great white sharks <Seffie runs screaming> and one attacked someone in your party, holy moly :crazy: maybe the UK isn't soooo bad!!
Those cray fish look yummy but the parrots :sad:

Seffie x

and did you say Great white sharks <Seffie runs screaming> and one attacked someone in your party, holy moly :crazy: maybe the UK isn't soooo bad!!

No it wasn't a white that chewed on one of us it was a looney wobby,you get a few of those,the man eaters are quite easy to scare away,normally!!

There are increasing numbers of whites around here now,since hislop stopped hunting them and they were put on the protected list they are coming back in big numbers now.

A part from the poor girl a year or two back that was taken by one where we go to regularly(and will be again as a major club trip in november for three days)the numbers of attacks by the whites will be enormous after the next lot of off spring get big enough and triple the numbers of them around here.

We are mainly what drops the numbers of whites these days,now what do you think will happen over time if we do not interfear with their numbers,plus heaps of green zones put in place,it 's obvious an imbalance will form to some of our demise.

The whites will be able to declare hunting season open on us and to some degree it will be ilegal to fight back.

When there is an attack there has to be a special dispensation(i think it is called )obtained from the government before the one that attacked can be hunted and killed,by than the wrong one is normaly hunted down and it was all a waste of time,one innocent human dead and one innocent shark dead,makes sense to me?????

Oh,there was a channel 7 special done recently to show the story about the increase in shark numbers,they were filming at one of Sydneys major beaches with the beach in the back ground for the start of the special,the sirens at the surf club went off and in came 6 white pointers,never that many seen anywhere near there in those numbers before and a marine biologist gets on amongst the special that was made and said the numbers are not increasing,you have gotta laugh at these types,they are all through out the hobby as well.

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