Sengel Bichir ?


New Member
Feb 14, 2007
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North Dakota
I just brought home a Senegal Bichir from my LFS and he is currently just 3" big. My ? is what substrate is good for these guys? I have read about and seen many bichirs in tanks with sandy substrate. I currently have natural gravel, but plan to either go with crushed gravel or a sandy substrate for planting.

But until I get my new tank set up and cycled out he is going to be stuck with the natural gravel is that fine?
I just brought home a Senegal Bichir from my LFS and he is currently just 3" big. My ? is what substrate is good for these guys? I have read about and seen many bichirs in tanks with sandy substrate. I currently have natural gravel, but plan to either go with crushed gravel or a sandy substrate for planting.

But until I get my new tank set up and cycled out he is going to be stuck with the natural gravel is that fine?

It should be fine for the time being.The reason for sand or fine crushed gravel is bichirs tend to be suction feeders instead of biters
and they grub around the substrate looking for food stuffs and can ingest gravel this can lead to intestinal blockage and death-Anne

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