Sengal Bichir Okay For This?


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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I finally got a bigger tank than my thirty (for free!) and after measuring it (48"Lx19"Hx12"W) it seems to be a 47 gallon. I wanted to have a sengal bichir plus somethings, possibly PSG's, planted with low light plants, tahiti (sp) black moon sand, and some driftwood. Is the tank big enough for this, and is it okay if I use convict fry as live food (among other stuff)?

Eternal groveling in advance.
Yes the tank is big enough, Senegal's get up to 12", but this is about the max. Just make sure he has enough room to stretch out once he gets that large.
You could have possibly 3 Purple Spotted Gudgeons, a birchir and a plec, and possibly have space for something else.

PSGs do very well with african oddballs (bichirs, smaller knives, african butterfly fish for example), and a tank that size could probably hold 2 bichirs, a few PSGs and a few other fish. African brown knives are awesome fish, and one would work well in that set up :)
So, say, two Bichirs, three PSG's and three AFB's would work out well? I would like to have fish at every level, and I always thought these guys all looked neat.

Oh, and will comvicts work well for feeding, because I have a smaller tank I would set up for a pair if it would.

Thanks guys.
I'll have to check them out more but they look neat too. Thanks again guys, once I get moved and a stand, I'll be setting this baby up!
What are PSGs?

I have 2 Senegals I'm moving to a 75 next month with 2 Clown loaches.I was looking for a mid/top level fish to add with them and was considering a pair of Dwarf Cichlids,but now you've got my interest with the PSG,as soon as I know what it is,lol.
What are PSGs?

I have 2 Senegals I'm moving to a 75 next month with 2 Clown loaches.I was looking for a mid/top level fish to add with them and was considering a pair of Dwarf Cichlids,but now you've got my interest with the PSG,as soon as I know what it is,lol.

PSG stands for purple spotted/striped gudgeon, check them out in the fish index :)

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