senegalus food


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
Northeast U.S.
I have wanted to start feeding my baby senegalus beefheart, I rotate his diet between plankton and mosquito larvea and brine shrimp now. But I have read that beefheart turns them into little fish eating monsters when they get older? is this true, and is beefheart ok? :D
boom-sage said:
I have wanted to start feeding my baby senegalus beefheart, I rotate his diet between plankton and mosquito larvea and brine shrimp now. But I have read that beefheart turns them into little fish eating monsters when they get older? is this true, and is beefheart ok? :D
I don't know if it does, but I'll give you some more choices in food :p
My 4" senegals will eat:
Freezedried krill :nod:
Cichlid sticks :dunno:
Frozen shrimp :nod:
Small crickets :nod:
Large moths :crazy:
Shrimp pellets :thumbs:
FD brineshrimp :|
FD bloodworms :|

Maybe try some of those foods :D Mine hang out at the top, so I usually hand feed them :)
The frozen shrimp and pellets. Yours may not eat the pellets, he could be picky :shifty: I get my shrimp From the foodstore :thumbs: It comes canned like tuna and is pretty cheap :)
Just for the record i dont recomend feeding beefheart to any fish, fish are not biologically evolved to digest mamalian protein and it can cause them problemswith blocked intestinal tracts. Stick to foods which are shrimp or fish based and your bichir will grow well and be healthy.
Its better to feed beefheart occasionally to bichirs.

For a staple diet try silversides or hikari sinking carnivore pellets.
then you can rotate between whatever else you want (mysis shrimp, market shrimp, shrimp pellets, bloodworms, earthworms, various nightcrawlers, carnivore pellets).

It doesn't take too long to get them to eat pellets.

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