Senegal Help


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Aug 10, 2011
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What sort of foods should a senegal have for a varied diet.
I have a 5 inch albino.
Right now he gets frozen bloodworm twice a week and frozen shrimp once and he eats some of my catfish pellets.
What should his staple diet be?
Also what other kinds of things should he eat?
I read they should eat guppies every now and again?

You don't have to feed him feeders. What you are feeding him now is just fine. Maybe add krill on occasion and earth worms of the appropriate size. In nature they would eat shrimp, worms and small fish that they can catch, but the risk of disease with feeders is just to high imo.
They are not very picky. I use Hikari Massivore pellets as staple. Mine eats Shrimp n krill meal, shrimp pellets, frozen bloodworms/brine shrimp, and pellets for my cichlids. Never fed mine live food.
Forget the bloodworms and feeder fish.
Get it onto pellets asap.
Preferably Hikari Massivore.
You should up the feeding amount too.

At 5" any of my Bichirs are fed once a day.
Mainly Hikari Massivore, with market shrimp, fish cutlets, worms and crickets thrown in on occasion as treats.

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