Senegal Birchirs

In the aquarium they sit up on their front fins a lot holding them up, (apparently the predatory position) So I guess they might move across land with their front fins (like a sea lion) (until they die of course)

By the way Spike, your 400 gallon sounds completely awesome! I wish I had suge a huge tank!
yeah, but im takeing a big risk in puting some of these fish with the oscars, but at the moment they are fine anly agessive fish are the angels lol
You have oscars in there? ( I only read your signature, and it dosen't say oscars on there)

My marbled angel is only aggresive at feeding time, but it kinda goes with his name and his look, one side of him is more black and he has the red angel eye, the other side is more white with the white eye, and sometimes he is aggresive, or incredibly peaceful. Hence his name: Ying-Yang (but I don't really call him by his name)
just out of interest how much is a good price for senegal bichirs in the uk
just out of interest how much is a good price for senegal bichirs in the uk

I normally see small specimins going for about £15, althoughlarger specimins can be quite a bit more.
One of my lfs has them priced at 7.99 for ones that are about 2", I got mine for 14.99 each and they were 6" & 8", almost got them cheaper as the idiot who got them out was gonna mark them down as knife fish, same shop still has the price as 14.99 but for 2" ones they have a slightly larger one which is about 5".
That's a nice one you have in your sig Azaezl.
Thanks :) That's my female Morticia, she was the 8 inch one and is now 9 inches, the male(Gomez) is about 7.5 inches now and you won't often see me post pics of him as he's VERY camera shy, Morticia on the other hand is a showoff LOL!

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