Senegal Birchir

Well, in a 30g i'm not 100% sure how many preds you can keep in there. However, i've personally kept them with other bichirs, snakeheads, slant-nosed gars (not true gars) and larger species of catfish. So long as the fish is big enough not to be eaten, and wont kill the bichir itself, its probably a go.

There are some real bichir experts here, like beblondie, but I have (briefly) kept this species and found it to be rather mild-mannered towards different species such as cichlids or catfish. It is a fairly large species though, getting to about 30 cm or so, which puts a 30 gallon tank probably at the low end of what suits this fish.

If you were choosing tankmates, I'd tend to look at things like Synodontis spp. and plecs of various kinds. Climbing perch work well with bichirs provided you choose appropriate species. I kept Ct. acutirostre and Ct. congicum with Polypterus palmas for many years and found they got along very nicely.

P. senegalus is generally considered an excellent bichir for the beginner. It is hardy, eats anything, and becomes very tame. My only caution is that it -- like all bichirs -- is an excellent escape artist. Keep the tank covered, and never give it the opportunity to jump or wriggle out.


A 30 gallon is the absolute minimum tank for a senegal since they are probably the most active of the bichirs.
And yes they are a great first bichir or even second.They are not the most attractive of the bichirs but they make up for it with personality.Now the caveat while general bichirs tend to be non agressive this can vary from individual to individual.And like many fish their personality can change with age.They can become territorial.
Maximum size 10-12 inches.
Tankmates:As for tankmates it really depends on how agressive your bichir is.But generally tankmates should be a minimum of 3"in length and fairly deep bodied Congo tetras,African butterfly,most synod cats or
ctemopoma species should work-some other possible tankmates below-Anne
Congo tetra-Phenacogrammus interruptus
Black-Barred Myleus-Myleus schomburgki
Filament tetra-Bryconaethiop microstoma
Bristlenose-Ancistrus dolichopterus
Kribensis avoid breedable pairs

hope this helps you some
IMO it wouldn't be cruel as more of an annoyance to the birchir. As when it is fully grow it won't have sufficient space to swim. Of course it would be better if kept in a larger tank.
Of course bigger is almost better but in my expirence a single senegal will be fine in a 30 gallon tank(36x12)-Anne
A 30 gallon is the absolute minimum tank for a senegal since they are probably the most active of the bichirs.
And yes they are a great first bichir or even second.They are not the most attractive of the bichirs but they make up for it with personality.Now the caveat while general bichirs tend to be non agressive this can vary from individual to individual.And like many fish their personality can change with age.They can become territorial.
Maximum size 10-12 inches.
Tankmates:As for tankmates it really depends on how agressive your bichir is.But generally tankmates should be a minimum of 3"in length and fairly deep bodied Congo tetras,African butterfly,most synod cats or
ctemopoma species should work-some other possible tankmates below-Anne
Congo tetra-Phenacogrammus interruptus
Black-Barred Myleus-Myleus schomburgki
Filament tetra-Bryconaethiop microstoma
Bristlenose-Ancistrus dolichopterus
Kribensis avoid breedable pairs

hope this helps you some

Exellent Infomation, BeBlondie your as good here as you are on MFK, I just added my senegal to my 180gal great job it went suprisinly well i even added my larger sun catfish in there too and the Oscars haven't even looked twice at them.

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