Senegal Bichir


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Got myself one of these about two weeks ago, on impulse. (which I know wasn't a good idea)

His behaviour is a erratic, one moment it'll be dashing around likes it's been possessed, then it'll either sit on the bottom, which I thought would be usual, or floats at the surface, (not so usual). What should it do?

Also what do you generally feed them. Tried muscles, bloodworms but not really interested.

Thanks Ash
Live foods : guppies , rosey red minnows, ghost shrimp, earthworms
frozen: bloodworms, mysis shrimp,brine shrimp , krill, squid and frozen silversides
some will take pellets, lean meaty foods such as beefheart are good too
but you need to balance their diet for nutrition so vary the diet, not just one
thing.How much to feed them ? Feed them until their belly bows slightly.
and skipping a meal will not hurt them remember in the wild food is not
always available.A nice round bichir is a happy bichir
thats pretty much normal behavior for a P.senegalus-Anne
just remember it should 10-12'' and needs a fairly large tank
These fish need to have access to the water surface, so young ones sometimes hang out near the top of the tank. Perfectly normal.
He'll appreciate some floating plants (real or fake) to lurk in while he's up there.

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