Senegal Bichir

Phantom Thief

Population Control Volunteer
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
A world of my own
I have just bought 3 Polypterus Senegalus. They have been eating fine, and seem normal, except for one. This particular one occasionally floats at the surface of the tank, and won't go down unless i disturb him. Then he will go down and act like the other bichirs. He will float for ages if i do not do anything. It looks normal, except its left pectoral fin is red in colour.

Is this normal bichir behavior? If it isnt, what do i need to do to help it?

Thanks in advance :D

Doesn't sound normal, maybe he's trying to get more oxygen from the surface, or he's waiting for food, although they would usually eat on the bottom -_-
Could you post a pic? is it red red or pink? I trust we are talking about a normal senegal and not an albino -Anne

If it red it could be septicemia in which case isolate it and dose with kanacyn follow the directions on the package. Get enough for 2 full courses of treatment
Firstly, yes it is a normal senegal.

Secondly, yes it is red, not pink.

As to the meds and septicimia, could you provide me more info on either one?

This has gotten me worried. So much for my new fish :(

Ok, after isolating the fish for a single night, the redness in the fins are gone. Should i put it back, or keep it in isolation for a while?

keep it seperate for at least a week -Anne
4 weeks would be better

give it time to mend and get some tlc
I'm thinking of maybe getting one of these guys, offtopic, but, are they active during the day? I love my ropefish but hardly see him/her :lol:
I find it normal behaviour for juve senegals to hang out on the floating plants.

And Dwarfs, the senegal is the most active out of the bunch, even during the day, the other like to lay around and do nothing.
I just saw two at a local LFS for $14, the regular fish store takes for times as long to get to, and sells them for $30 :crazy:
Sounds a little pricey, assuming its a juve senegal. Unless its a big guy the average price range is $6-$10.
astroboy said:
Sounds a little pricey, assuming its a juve senegal. Unless its a big guy the average price range is $6-$10.
Your in canada right? I'm talking about u.s. :p They were only 3-4 inches long :wub:

EDIT: Sorry for hijacking PT :*)
Oh no worries, its ok :D

All has been going well with the bichirs now, so my greatest thanks guys :thumbs:

BTW, i got 3 Juvie Bichirs, and 2 plants for RM20 or US$5 because the lfs guy calculated it wrongly :p


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