comfortably numb
having had my senegal bichir for about 2 months ive totally fell in love with him but 1 thing bugs me just how the hell do you pronounce bichir?
Very i have to say nmonks you certainly know your stuff.
Yes, these are serious personality fish. Polypterus senegalus does especially well in captivity, and seems to be adapt quickly to all sorts of foods. In many ways it is the perfect oddball: weird looking, but cute; hardy; adaptable, easy to feed; and not too big. It's a great community species as well, and with a few Congo tetras, a trio of dwarf upside-down catfish, and a couple of leopard Ctenopoma, it's hard to think of a better and more attractive oddball aquarium.i had always called them ( spelt as i pronounced it) bursheers. me and the missus call him dogfish after the way he chomps his shrimp down just like a dog lol