Senegal Bichir


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2008
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my senegal bichir died today and i'm not sure why.i'm going to miss him,he was a beautiful creature. :byebye: :rip:
:( :rip:

I'm sorry. Bichirs are such characters, it's tough to lose them.

What happened? What are your water stats? Was he bloated, etc? It would be wise to find out what happened to the senny, just in case there is something wrong with your other fish too.
a couple of months ago i switched from freeze dried krill to frozen krill and i would break it up into small pieces and scatter it around the tank because my other fish liked to nibble on it too.but he kept getting bigger so i figured he was going around and gorging himself on i cut back and he kept on getting then i would only feed it to him every 3-4 days and he still got bigger.sunday night his belly was huge and monday morning he was dead.i had had him 10 months and his growth was nice and steady until i switched to the frozen krill and then he really started to grow,i mean his whole body,not just his belly.
that was one of my thoerys' and i watched him look for food many times and watched him spit out gravel but i think you're right.his wastse became less.
as much as i want another one,i won't get one unless i switch to sand.i've got quite a few pics of him so i won't forget him anytime soon.
sorry to hear of your loss.

Bichirs are great characters. I have two at around 7". I use coral sand with mine and have had them from being very small 'over 4 years'.

heres a vid of my tank, and you will see them both somewhere in it.
wow.that tank is awesome.thanks for showing me that.i'll post some pics of my bichir later.
this a pic of him when i first started thinking i was over feeding him.
I think senegals should be trained to eat from the surface ASAP. At least every single one I've ever kept would come to the surface for food, and eat it there!

A bit of fasting, plus some other fishes that eat the tasty-smelling stuff on the surface eagerly is what they need......:)
that is a good question.hopefully some one will have an answer.
Well to be honest I don't have much to say in this.....Because mine were never kept over gravel. Excuse me :blush:

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