Senegal Bichir W/ Angels?

I have no idea what a Bichir is but you should keep at least three angelfish because the bigger one will pick one the smaller one if you have only two.

Though it isn't a combination I've ever personally tried (I tend to keep my African fish with other African fish), I can't see any reason that it won't work as long as the angels are too big for the bichir to eat.

Thanks fruitbat, and I just want to mention that you've been really helpful with a lot of my bichir issues. So in short thanks for your knowledge and imparting it to me. :D
Sounds good, as long as the senegal isnt alot bigger then the angel fish. How big are both fish? If it was 2 baby angel fish and one full grown senegal there could be a problem. Sounds like a nice set up though! :D
With senegals and most other bichirs, you just have to make sure the fish isnt very... torpedo shaped. Angel fish arent torpedo shaped so they would have difficulty swallowing them. Say a full grown senegal could swallow a 4 inch danio but it wouldnt be able to swallow a 4 inch angel fish.

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