Selling Bettas To Lfs?


Fish Herder
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Has anyone in the US tried breeding bettas and actually selling them to try to recoup some of the money spent on breeding supplies?
I'm almost embarrassed to ask this, but I have been thinking about it for a couple months now so it must not just be a whim. I've decided to look into breeding bettas but I'm not sure if I'll actually go for it. I don't even want to get started if I'm not going to follow through on it, you know what I mean?
The one LFS that stocks anything other than veil tails gets their stock shipped from a supplier located a few hours away. I didn't ask if they would be interested in purchasing them from a local breeder instead because I wanted to make sure I was really willing to do it first. I talked to my husband tonight and he said it would be fine as long as I made sure I had someone to buy them from me. He's always been smart like that.
I am just looking to see if there is anyone on here who has tried doing that and had any suggestions on what to do first. I'd probably start off with one or two pairs that I would ship in from either a US supplier that had something really nice, or if I couldn't find anything I considered to be just right, looking into shipping from thailand. I was thinking HM butterflies or marbles would be good sellers, and I think they're beautiful :wub:
Unless anyone says "NO! I tried it and I ended up having to keep 200 bettas and the water changes are killing me!", then I'll be asking around at a few places to see what they would be willing to pay and what kind of demand they have. Good idea?

I don't know about selling them to Local fish stores, but I noticed under your name it said you're located in Virginia? I'm near Charlottesville, and if you did decide to breed The only kind I have right now are Veiltails, and I would love having a few other kinds, either half moons, delta's, or CT's, so if you do decide to do this please keep me updated.
Hey, my suggestion would be that if you want to breed use halfmoons, crowntails, superdeltas or plakats, something that there's more of a market for, that way you would probably be able to sell some to the U.S but also to private buyers. People are willing to pay good money for well bred, well conformed bettas.
Well, in the end it's up to you with your bettas. Probably some people would say that it would be better to give "culls" the chance at a good life as a pet than it would be to just kill them as some do. others would rather them go towards feeding larger fish (oscars, for example) than see them suffer the way LFS bettas often do. It probably depends very largely on the quality of care they would recieve from the LFS, and the knowledge and willingness of the staff there. Like any other breeder, once the betta is out of your hands, you no longer have any control over what happens to it, but I think it would be best to at least give them all the best chance. If you want to sell bettas to the local fish store, get to know how they really treat their fish, and what they know about proper care. Take a look at the fish in tanks and the bettas (who are probably in cups, no?). As long as you can look back and say you did the best you could by them (and mean it), then you've probably made the right decision.
My concern would be what to do with the ones that just turn out "OK". Not every single fish from a spawn is going to be breeder quality so I'd want a way to sell them in larger numbers as pets. Then I could choose the best quality ones to sell at a higher price. Am I on the right track here? Are you guys saying you don't think the LFS will buy them? Now I'm anxious to go ask them.
psh, i'm a loser who can't readposts right :lol:

anyway, they might buy them, but you would certainly have to ask. If they already have a supplier who sends non-VT bettas, you might have to beat the price. Or try a different store. a store that sells only VTs might see the other tails as exotic enough to charge more for (like petco does)
I'm not a breeder, but personally, I don't think you'd have much trouble finding homes for them. If you're selling bettas other than VTs, even if they're not quite breeding stock, and at a "pet store price," I think you'll find many people are more than willing to pay for shipping. I speak for myself, at least. :)

It also depends on the quality of your pet store, and if you're comfortable with giving them your bettas. I personally wouldn't be able to sleep at night if my babies were in the possession of any pet store I've ever been to. :crazy: But there are good ones out there. ;)

I would start with a pair with desirable qualities, and just take it one spawn at a time at first, and see how the market for them is. :flowers:
Well, in the end it's up to you with your bettas. Probably some people would say that it would be better to give "culls" the chance at a good life as a pet than it would be to just kill them as some do. others would rather them go towards feeding larger fish (oscars, for example) than see them suffer the way LFS bettas often do. It probably depends very largely on the quality of care they would recieve from the LFS, and the knowledge and willingness of the staff there. Like any other breeder, once the betta is out of your hands, you no longer have any control over what happens to it, but I think it would be best to at least give them all the best chance. If you want to sell bettas to the local fish store, get to know how they really treat their fish, and what they know about proper care. Take a look at the fish in tanks and the bettas (who are probably in cups, no?). As long as you can look back and say you did the best you could by them (and mean it), then you've probably made the right decision.
Yes I see your point. I had thought about these things. My thought was that the stores are going to buy bettas whether they're from me or from some other supplier. I would probably come up with a flyer on proper betta care and set it by their shelf of bettas so anyone buying one could take one home. I personally have been keeping bettas for many years, most of that time in large bowls, but I started out with one in a teeny little bowl and learned from experience that they live longer in something larger. Then I came to this forum and learned they're tropical fish! I honestly had never been told that before. A flyer could do a lot of good.

i agree, but i wonder if the LFS would let you. It wouldn't be very easy, then, for them to leave those bettas unattended in their cups without room or heat if people can read right next to display the proper way to care for one.
Haha, maybe I could put
"The little cups are only temporary. Buy them ASAP so they don't die!" :lol:
The owner of this one store thinks I should breed them and then he would sell them for me. Sounds wonderful right? The guy that tends the tanks at the store is from ....another planet..and their fishroom isn't the way I'd keep it. I've been working on them not to sell bettas in vases and I've caught the tank-tender putting them in tanks with nippers. I have one he did that to. SO--to make a long story short. I wouldn't bring lives into this world if they're going to be treated so carelessly. Then there's the factor of what buyers would do with or wouldn't do with them when they take the betta home. Do I want my babies to go to houses where they won't be cared for and loved as they should be? That's a big risk I'd have to take selling lives to the public at a store. I can't do it speaking just for myself. I sure as h*** know I could produce fish that weren't sick which is a step up from many that get placed in stores...but how do I react when I walk in and find the tender from another planet has them in a tank with a current that's too swift and the betta is fighting to stay afloat and things like that. My point is that I wouldn't have CONTROL of it all and when it involves little creatures I've helped to give life to...get my drift? This is my own personal choice.
I'm not sure on your homefront situation, or local laws, as I've never looked into it, but if you've the space and money, you could open a 'home betta store'... I know on E-bay the only Betta's that I've seen I would never buy, so if you'd be willing to ship fish you could probably sell a lot there, and you could even make it a 'package' where they could buy a tank and heater or whatnot to go with it. (Which would, of course, raise the price. ^_^) just throwing out a few more ideas.
Happyannie, I have spent an unresonable amount of time thinking about this the past few days so I did come up will all kinds of imaginary horrible things that could happen to them based on what I've seen in stores before.

I also had this idealist thought that maybe if I instructed them on exactly how they should be kept and told them I would not sell to them anymore if they did not comply, that might help. Then if they abused them, I wouldn't sell any more to them. I do stop into one particular LFS on a regular basis (at least weekly :blush: ) and most of the employees recognize my daughter and I, so they would know they were being watched. I think if I really did have superior stock and they were selling well they might meet my demands? I haven't come up with what reasonable demands would be yet, though. Maybe members here could help me if I decide to do it.

Sanadi, that is an excellent idea. My husband and I own a house in an area that is at least decently pleasent and in the middle of a small city. Hanging baskets on our porch, etc. I don't think anyone would be afraid to knock on our door. I could advertise in the newspaper and on ebay. Still all just speculation.


EDIT: I'd have to double check on the laws but my sister had a home business and as long as you don't make over X amount of money they don't even care if you file your taxes. I think its something like $2000? I can't remember. I am doubtful I'd be making a ton of money, but if I was very successful I would make sure to comply with laws. I know if you have a room in your house dedicated for small business purposes you can actually deduct part of your mortgage from your taxes if you meet certain other requirements. You can't use the room for any other purpose, though. I don't have a room that would be solely for the fish so it doesn't even matter.

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