Seller Justice


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
i recently sold some of my mystery snails to a member on the forum who at this point of time the administrators are aware of.
it is my policy with all live creatures i sell that i do a transactions though paypal one, and two i always give the buyer a confirmation number so both parties can keep track of the little guys movements though the country.
i received payment on Sunday, so i sent the snails out on Monday and promptly sent out the confirmation number. as soon as the member received the confirmation number the transaction was challenged on paypal and the funds were frozen.
the member claims ignorance but i think they are trying to cheat me.
i responded quickly to paypal and i am fighting the freeze, but is there anything i can do about a buyer who doesn't pay short of driving across four states and repossessing my snails?
Is it possible that they were unauthorized to use the account? Perhaps a kid using mom and dad's account and mom and dad weren't happy about it. If this is the case, Paypal should decide in your favor as parent's are legally responsible for their child's actions.
With paypal transactions, so long as you have confirmation of delivery, all you need to do is put the tracking number into the paypal dispute console area and paypal will find in your favour.
What's going on with this? Any word on when you'll get your money?
i win, the dispute has been dropped and a majority of my money has been returned. thank you for your suggestions.
Glad to hear that. Always nice when things turn out as they should.

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