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Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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m,y dear bettas, comptan Ass Keenyah, has a seizures problem. She must have had a bad one at night after I moved her into a bowl to transport to school for my English prodject on fish. She is able to swim and all with help from me, but she mainly rests on her side. She had a big seizures before, and always swam oddly in circles and all. I dont want her to die as she is one of my favorites.

Is there anything I can do to help her?
When you say swimming in circles - do you mean swimming in the direction of following her tail like a spiral? and what does it look like when she has a seizure?
well, like a person that has a seizure, but in the water. She goes all crazy and flaps around so to speak, then just lays on her side for a long while. Shes all twitchy.

No, she swims like a clock hand, up and down circles, and sometimes on her side, and once she was actually upside down chasing a platty from a plant.
You mentioned a platy in w/her - what else do you all have in the tank with her?
Also, do you have a flashlight handy?
I am not sure about a flash light.

But there is the platty, another one, and two swordtail fry.

She was in a diffrent community tank before for, sence march 21, but after the plakat dieing I decided to give her that tank with two amigos, and get mbuna for the 55 and put the 6 other fish in the 20.
Well the first thing I'd suggest to do is to separate her and put her into her own little bowl or something.

My first instinct says that if it looks like she's having seizures is possibly velvet. Does it look like she's sort of being electrocuted? If you can find a flashlight, shut the lights off and shine it down on her from above. It if looks like she's got gold spraypaint on her then it's velvet.

I would also bet that being in with those other fish is probably stressing her out, too. Can you separate her? And, if she does have velvet everyone else will probably get it too - because it's highly contagious...

Find a flashlight or another light source and let me know what you find first of all..
But she has been like this sence I got her two months ago, wouldnt she have already been dead? The seizures seem to happen though only when she is moved to another tank.

She is currently in a tiny cup, the best thing I can find, as I have no bowls, all the other bettas are inhabiting them.
Not necessarily - my Charlie appearently had it for several weeks before I found out. He was on my co-worker's desk and I was over there one day helping her with something and he started shaking and flipping out. I freaked out and said "holy crap - did you see that?" and she said he had been doing it for weeks. I started treating him for velvet because i could see the gold dusting. Then he got all sorts of fun infections - he's now getting maracyn 2 because he's got red streaks on his fins and started showing some signs of internal infection and swim bladder issues.

Were you able to check for the gold dusting at all?
no, none at all. and she is white, so it would have stood out.
Does she have any red marks on her at all?
Body, fins, gills? Anything?
I know it is possible for them to just plain have seizures, but often they're caused by parasites or something else biting them and it just itches them like crazy - and then red marks usually show up from, literally, teeth wounds from the little crappin' things...

It does sound like a parasite, i would put some salt in her tank or bowl.
Does she look abit greyish like slime on the coat.
well she has always had pink fins and a pinkish head, a female cambodian. I think the red on her head may be a bit redder than usuall.

and i dont have any salt, I used it up during the ich and havent bought anymore.

I fear that she is at the end though, no longer than two hours I presume. My poor little Keenyah. I have wanted her for so long and have become attached to her her greatly!
Your water quality is fine isn't it just to rule that out,pinkish colour can also mean columnaris what the patch look like on the head, does it look abit greyish with the pink and is there a red edging to it.
waters all cycled, no issues there.

no, she doesnt look greyish. But she has always been pink. It may have gooten pinker, but she my just be a marble. Denial I suppose. The first stage of death, I am feeling it for her! :lol:

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