Seeking input on the appearance/health of my Betta

Audrey Taylor

New Member
Mar 21, 2019
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This is Toby. He's a half moon male Betta and I've had him since last summer (2018). I am new to the hobby and haven't had a fish since I was in elementary school so for all intents and purposes this is my first fish. He lives in a 3 gallon filtered tank with a mini heater. The tank also has a bubble bar that I keep on low. I do partial water changes about once a month. As far as I can tell he seems to be a happy and active fish! But because I am still such a newbie to this I just wanted to post a couple of pictures and get some input from more experienced Betta fish people to make sure that he looks healthy. I want to make sure he isn't showing signs of fin rot because I'm not entirely sure what to look for. Also, I'm not sure whether the speckling on his face is something to be concerned about or if it's just normal coloring.

I would greatly appreciate any and all input from people with more expertise! I just want to make sure he is, in fact, happy and healthy!

I just recently added a snail tank mate for him about 4 days ago who seems to be adjusting well to the environment. Toby has not shown any signs of caring or noticing the new snail which I take to be a good thing.


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