Second Hand Filter


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2007
Reaction score
Dover, Kent
Hi, I've been given a tank that I want to set up asap for my ever increasing guppy family. I need to buy a filter for it, and on ebay at the moment there is a nearly new juwel standard H filter, complete with "stand". Itwould fit okin my new tank,but I'm wondering
if its ok to buy a second hand filter I know nothing about
if the unit would be ok to use after being removed from the juwel tank
how I could affix it into the tank? It is the whole corner unit.
If its a second hand you may be looking at replacing the pump, pump components and filters because I dont see how you will be able to tell what age it is from a computer :)

The filter is glued using silicone to the inside of the tank. Juwel sell this but sure its cheaper to buy it elsewhere. If I were you I wouldn't go for a juwel...they are just too expensive because you have to keep replacing the filter pads....its a money racket. would be best off going to a local fish shop and buying something suitable there. At least that way you know what you are getting is going to work with no hassle.

I was told by a very popular fish store the other day that the only reason why they stock Juwel equipment is so that they can hand out replacements whenever people come in with broken heaters, pumps etc... and apparently it happens more often than you would like.

Anyways...I'm sure some of the experts here can agree or disagree with my advise...I go on gut feelings and some personal common sense!! :)
And I thought that Juwel were meant to be the best :sad:
Although I have to saythe one i've already got hasn't cost me anything so far, the lfs said to rinse the pads in old tankwater, whichI do, except the top layer,but I bought 100 for £6, on ebay,so thats ok.
But my filter is only 6 months old,so looks like I'll soon be needing to replacing bits.
Btw, just bein nosy, what fish shop do use? I was thinking about keeping fish whenI lived in dublin, but couldn't find anywhere that sold them!!
we've bought 2nd hand filters before and always regretted it, bits missing and pipes cut to the wrong length for our tank, had all sorts of hassle. i'd just buy a new one.
Hi, I've been given a tank that I want to set up asap for my ever increasing guppy family. I need to buy a filter for it, and on ebay at the moment there is a nearly new juwel standard H filter, complete with "stand". Itwould fit okin my new tank,but I'm wondering
if its ok to buy a second hand filter I know nothing about
if the unit would be ok to use after being removed from the juwel tank
how I could affix it into the tank? It is the whole corner unit.
the juwel filters are not given much praise, and often with good reason. they are rated a bit higher than they produce, and are a pain to clean, especially when stuck to the tank. i dont see that they are any more expensive to maintain than any other filter, as there is no need to change the pads, just rinse them in tank water, as you would any other.

as for second hand filter, though i can only speak for myself, all my filters have been second hand, as yet, have not had a problem with any.

on balance though i would look for a different filter.
So what would people recommend then? I'm a bit skint at the moment, so I would rather buy a good second hand one, than a brand new cheaper make that'll gowrong after a few months.

:fish: (sorry, just found this. Isn't he cute?!)
And I thought that Juwel were meant to be the best :sad:
Although I have to saythe one i've already got hasn't cost me anything so far, the lfs said to rinse the pads in old tankwater, whichI do, except the top layer,but I bought 100 for £6, on ebay,so thats ok.
But my filter is only 6 months old,so looks like I'll soon be needing to replacing bits.
Btw, just bein nosy, what fish shop do use? I was thinking about keeping fish whenI lived in dublin, but couldn't find anywhere that sold them!!

O Juwel are good....just the filter isn't amazing. You got 100 white filter pads for only 6 pounds??? Wow...thats only 9 euro, massive bargin!!

...check out this site: Tjese are the pet store that I use!

They are located just past Tallagh on the blessington road in a place called brittas. They have the best stocked tanks I have ever seen and have anything for anybody. You can order off them over the internet and have the stuff delivered to your door. I also use to buy some bits and pieces (I got the Juwel Rio180 for about 380 euro off them and thats including a cabinet so I will always use them coz of the value!)

I just found this on E-Bay!!

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