

Fish Addict
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Stevenage, UK
Sometimes when i've tried to search something i've found it really frustrating. For instance i've wanted to search for co2 kits, or just co2 and it just comes up with something along the lines of more than 4 letters needed per word. Is there any way to change this. This has happened to me a few times, and on a couple of occasions there is no way i can put 4 letters into what i want to search. I know this sounds daft but it's really frustrating. Surely if you want to search something you shouldn't have a limitation on the letters you type. Is there any reason for this, if so i'd like to know, are bots the cause of this, anything like that????


It's probably to help reduce the number of returned entries by the search. As well as prevent excess load on the server.
It's a software limitation to prevent load issues like Darkstar said. A lot of words are three letters long and it can really put a strain on the server if there are too many returned queries.
Actually, it has to be at least 4 characters and it can be frustrating but you can usually find a way to make it work. For something like CO2, try +carbon +dioxide and for ich, try +white +spot. You can usually find a way to make it work although it may not return every thread that would apply as some may not mention carbon dioxide and only CO2.

Part of the problem with searching only 3 letters is that it returns any thread that has a word that contains that string. If it allowed you to search "ich" for instance, you would get any thread that contained the words which, rich, pitch, ditch, etc.
There is a way to use Google search to just search the "" domain and Google doesn't care how many or few characters you want. But, you may indeed get a very large number of results a large percentage of which don't help you at all. It does hurt that a lot of fish terms are pretty short: pH, KH, GH, CO2, O2, NH3, NO2, NO3, etc.
haha try buying an unknown eel and searching for it on here :crazy:

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