
[email protected]

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Feb 2, 2012
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Hi was just wondering could I keep seahourses in a FOWLR???and if so could you tell what their needs are eg food!!also do you know any nice seahorses ?
Just out of curiosity.... What is an FOWLR

"Fish Only With Live Rock"

I have had expieriance with wild-caught brackish pipefish from the Chesepeake Bay. Relatives of seahorses. Seahorses are best fed live food, preferably small foods such as brine shrimp. They cannot easily eat flake or pellet, because they have small mouths and eat by sucking in food very quickly. I also believe that seahorses need marine plants such as seaweeds or sea grasses, because they need someplace to anchor themselves. Very high currents are to be avoided, as well as overly aggressive fish.

Seahorses are also really messy eaters. Best to have a UV sterilizer in the tank.
How big is the tank?

There are Black Seahorses,Estuary Seahorses, Kuda Seahorses for 30 gallons minimum, and Dwarf Seahorse, for minimum of 10 gallons.

Some good SW plants are Maiden's Hair, any Kelp, and Shaving Brush Plant :good:
Fake plants work just as good for them to anchor themselves. We mostly feed them mysis shrimp out of a dish (at the place where I help). They are in a 75g tank tied to another 75g, which are linked to about a 30g sump with a skimmer and fuge with just live rock.

quick pic that I took the other day


here is a decent website.
Thanks very much are they suiteable to keep with fish eg clowns ???And do they need any certain conditions eg water temp calcium ph ??
Thanks very much are they suiteable to keep with fish eg clowns ???And do they need any certain conditions eg water temp calcium ph ??
Thanks very much are they suiteable to keep with fish eg clowns ???And do they need any certain conditions eg water temp calcium ph ??
I wouldn't keep them with clowns. You need to keep them with other very passive fish, of which clowns are not.

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