

Fish Crazy
Jan 25, 2009
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the middle o' bum**** and you got a purty mouf
So, my parents and I purchased a 29 gallon nano cube hqi all in one thing. I'm thinking about buying 30#'s of premium coraline encrusted live rock from and I already have an Ro unit and all supplies. I really want to put sea horses in this tank..not sure what species. but i want them, and i am prepared to do alot to get them. Anybody have any advice/warnings?
I have seen them kep in that tank before, for how long though i dont know as i was under the impression that they did not light intense lighting at all!

What about looking into some of these?

Hippocampus Angustus 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Barbouri 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Comes 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Erectus 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Kuda 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Reidi 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Reidi
Giant Brazilian 1 Pair per 40 Litres Minimum Tank 120 Litres
Hippocampuse Zosterae 1 Pair per 6 Litres Minimum Tank 20 Litres
Hippocampuse Zosterae would be my dream sea horse my only issue is that seahorses arent commonly sold here in the us and none of my LFSs have any seahorses. I would have to order them online, im not certain how they would do with the stress? or where i could order them..

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