

Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Madison area, Wisconsin USA
I saw a post on TFF recently about someone interested in Seahorses. I went to a pet store I don't normally go to today, and saw several sea horses in a tank in the fish section. Is it pretty common to see them sold at LFS? I'd never seen anything but pictures it was neat to see in real life. I thought there were a few dead ones in there, as they layed on their side on the bottom, but their eyes drifted around, so perhaps they rest that way. Just neat to see, however not interested in anything other than my FW tank!

This was at Pet World in Madison, WI. Never thought to see what prices they sell for...

IMO....seahorses are not that interesting :lol: (they don't deserve to be endangered though :( ) My lfs always has many to choose from and that's what they do....float or lay there . One time a customer brought in some two or three day old seahorses, super tiny :wub: Apparently they're a real pain in the you know what to feed.
thecichlidaddict said:
From what I understand dried seahorses are a bigger problem.
yeah like the lil' ones you sometimes see in baskets of soap at the seaside :(

i just thought you wernt allowed to trade endangered species
seahorses are a real pain to keep and die easily.I think it's a shame people are selling them in pet stores because without the proper knowledge they'll surely die within the first couple of days :no: . Many people think seahorse would make a cool pet but their endangered and selling them in pet stores isn't helping! :angry:
it's bad to keep them even if you have amazeing water quality, and put alot of effort into they life spans are always drasticly reduced, in any aquarium enviroment
Endangered? Not really, maybe some species like leafy sea dragons are but the more common ones aren't. Then again I live near the Barrier reef in Australia where you see seahorses for sale quite often. I'll check what price they are, but I'll bet they'd be alot more expensive in other countries.
Seahorses are very cool, but also very hard to keep. I kept some several years ago. They need clean water and pretty much a species only tank. Seahorse stomachs are very small and must eat a lot of times in the day.
Sadly, seahorses are endangered. The CITES convention held in Santiago Chile on Nov 10-15 2003 officially listed Sea Horses as an endangered species. Many seahorse populations have already dissappeared. :(

By choosing farm-raised sea horses, not only are you getting a superior pet free of parasites and pathogens typical to wild caught sea horses, but you are making an eco-friendly choice because your purchase helps to protect the wild populations and their marine habitats.

Many seahorse experts, such as Pete Giwojna, highly recommend Ocean Rider Giant Tropical Farm-Raised Sea Horses. They are so well adapted to the aquarium environment that they feed-ezy on frozen mysis shrimp enhanced with Ocean Rider Vibrance®! This diet will ensure long term survivability, high health, high mating frequency and beautiful, vibrant colors!!! Forget about live food!!! :clap:

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