

New Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Tonight I StumbledUpon a photo of a seahorse, and wondered.... is a seahorse something you could have in a tank?
I'm just curious, and I'm sure if it can be done, it would ba for the more advanced than myself..... but I was just wondering.
Hi there,

You can have seahorses in marine tanks, there are different types. You might want to check out the marine section, you would get far more detailed advice then here I'm sure.

Good luck!
Yes of course, you can have seahorses in a tank, a saltwater one that is.

My LFS has a lot of them.

you can get freshwater pipefish which are relatives of seahorses, but as far as i know the only seahorse's you can get are for marine, and to be honest the one's i have seen are quite boring and don't do anything

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