Ok, i bought some live sand, 3 nassarius snails, live rock rubble, and macro algae in one thing on ebay and i've bid on about 6-7lbs of live rock also.
with the live rock, what can i expect to get on it? and will live rock rubble be just pieces of live rock that can still have stuff living on it? thanks!
LR rubble is just that, smaller chunks of rock from bigger pieces of rock! So it will likely hold the same life on oit as true Live rock would. As for what can be found on rock, well, Polycheates, Crustaceans, Macro/Micro-algae, Calcerious algaes....the list is endless. Others tank journals have many "hitchhiking" pictures. There is also a thread around somewhere about "Your best hitchiker" but I cant find it. Here is a search for Hitchiker