I found a few pieces of Ghost wood that I want to use. They have been soaking for a week now, one sunk, the other nearly there. Tanins aren't as dark as some drift I use, however this tank is in the livingroom and I want the water clear. Husband is running out of patience as I am taking up part if the bathroom to soak them. Can I use Purigen to clear tannins while in the soak tub or does it need to be in a filter? If in a filter, since it supposedly absorbs nitrates and such, will it affect my plants negatively? My nitrates stick around 10ppm, partly because I also dose ferts twice a week as my plants are greedy. Otherwise it is closer to 5ppm.
Just changed the water in the tub, so it is very clear, I don't need it perfect but would like the avoid the watered down Coke shady of brown. Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Just changed the water in the tub, so it is very clear, I don't need it perfect but would like the avoid the watered down Coke shady of brown. Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.