Seachem Prime Overdose?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2022
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Hi there a bit of emergency here. so after my water change was done. 30 minutes or 40 minutes later i remebered i accidentally forgot to add in water conditioner, so in panic i added in 4 capfuls of seacehm prime water conditioner, and in addition i poured in a bit water conditioner from my seachem prime bottle. Now Have I overdosed my tank? (I have a 20 gallon tank and i have a female molly and a female platy). have i harmed my aquarium? i tried studying my fish's behavior and 1 of the molly seemed going up in the surface in a little while, like every 6-7 minutes, she would go to the surface, and my female platy seems not go to the surface. but still have i harmed my aquarium? have i overdosed?
Apparently, you can't overdose prime, but I would never panic dose like that. You may want to do another water change.
Increase aeration and monitor the fish. They should be fine.

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