Seachem Flourish


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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i just bought seachem flourish. First off, There is no "Excel" written on it... it says: "supplement for aquarium plants" and secondly the contents of the bottle are brown in color and im wondering if i have the right stuff? How much am i to be using it? It says 5ml with treat 60US gallons. That means that only 1.5ml for a 20gallon which is my tank. I have a Diandra and java fern in my tank. Hopefully, these plants will accept the much needed nutrients and start to "flourish" !!!. How often should i be dosing my tank. My Diandra has shoots growing out of it like plantlets and their quite whitish in color unlike the original plant. Is the white color because of the lack of nutrients? Also, Ive been dosing my tank with potassium earlier on. Should i discontinue the potassium as im now using flourish?
there is:

seachem flourish - plant nutriuents

seachem flourish excel - organic source of Carbon

so which product were you wanting?
so i got the right one. the seachem flourish. i add co2 through a DIY system.

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