Seachem Flourish Excel

john starkey

Feb 14, 2007
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worcester uk
Hi All, is anyone useing seachems flourish excel in conjuction with a pressurised co2 unit, if so what are the advantages and is it worth using as well as pressurised co2 or is it just best to stick with the press co2, regards john
Evening mate.

Ask yourself 'But Why?'

What could it possibly add that good old natural CO2 does not?

Added expense. Added trouble.

The ONLY thing I can think of is that it does keep some algae at bay, but then you are running EI....

Agreed. It is good for killing hair like algae, but it also has a negative effect on some plants. My lilies and some other plants (cant remember what ones) suffered when adding it.
I've switched from excel dosing to pressuirsed CO2 and, while its only been 1 1/2 weeks I've got some of my plants pearling a little. Something I never had with excel.

Just waiting to see if this will conqour my remaining algae issues (staghorn or blanket weed).
i used to use diy co2 and i fisrt started dosing flourish excel in conjunction with the diy stuff as i kept on getting algae, now the diy stuff is in my loft and all i use is the flourish excel. My shrimps dont mind it either.

I also use a UV sterilizer too tho :D
I've just been 'discussing' some matters relating to Excel over on UKaps.

I am dosing excel as well as pressurised, mainly because I have a fair amount of BBA. I also had it with EI and whilst some people will say that it is definately low CO2 I can say it isn't orat least in my case it isn't because as most of you know my fish died earlier this year due to high CO2 and I still run it quite high (light green)

Therefore I am using excel just to control the BBA and sometimes staghorn.

I don't see it as too much of an expense for me (125Ltr) because 1 bottle would last 2 months at the reccommended dose.

I would never use it for CO2 enrichment as pressurised works out much cheaper for that.

It also has properties that can reduce iron to its ferrous state which is apparently easier for the plants to use.

Either way it seems to work and its not that expensive so I use it.


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