Seachem Flourish Excel V Neutro Co2 For Treating Bba & Gsa


Team TetraTEC
Global Moderator ⚒️
Aug 19, 2011
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Hello everyone, 
I would just like to post my experience in regards to BBA and 2 different Liquid Co2 products. Since I have started keeping planted tanks around two years ago I have always does the recommended daily amount Seachem Flourish Excel, in this time I have not had any major issues with BBA or GSA.
Recently I started to run low on the Excel so decided to save a few ££ by changing to Neutro Co2, ordered 2 liters and started to does the same daily amount as I was with Excel, in the space of a month I have had BBA and GSA appear in my tank 
not a huge amount but enough to be quite noticeable. Also I noticed that my crypts leaves no longer had the nice sheen on them that they once had 

Therefore on Monday I scraped off as much GSA as possible and started to dose Excel again, four days later every single bit of BBA has turned white and I reckon it will be gone within a week or so 

and my Crypts are looking lovely again.
So who wants to buy just under 2 liters of Neutro Co2 from me? 

Seachem Flourish Excel FTW 
Lol no thanx lol never used excel but do like my easycarbo, slightly less ££ than excel.
Glad you wrote this as i was thinking bout using the Neutro stuff, like you said its loads cheaper. Wont bother now XD
Guess you get what you pay for
Livewire88 said:
Hello everyone, 
I would just like to post my experience in regards to BBA and 2 different Liquid Co2 products. Since I have started keeping planted tanks around two years ago I have always does the recommended daily amount Seachem Flourish Excel, in this time I have not had any major issues with BBA or GSA.
Recently I started to run low on the Excel so decided to save a few ££ by changing to Neutro Co2, ordered 2 liters and started to does the same daily amount as I was with Excel, in the space of a month I have had BBA and GSA appear in my tank 
not a huge amount but enough to be quite noticeable. Also I noticed that my crypts leaves no longer had the nice sheen on them that they once had 

Therefore on Monday I scraped off as much GSA as possible and started to dose Excel again, four days later every single bit of BBA has turned white and I reckon it will be gone within a week or so 

and my Crypts are looking lovely again.
So who wants to buy just under 2 liters of Neutro Co2 from me? 

Seachem Flourish Excel FTW 
Why are you dosing the same amount for N Co2. Excel uses less than the N stuff therefore you'd be dosing double than you would be with Excel lol?
More reason why he shouldnt of got GSA and BBA then??? But he did
techen said:
Hello everyone, 
I would just like to post my experience in regards to BBA and 2 different Liquid Co2 products. Since I have started keeping planted tanks around two years ago I have always does the recommended daily amount Seachem Flourish Excel, in this time I have not had any major issues with BBA or GSA.
Recently I started to run low on the Excel so decided to save a few ££ by changing to Neutro Co2, ordered 2 liters and started to does the same daily amount as I was with Excel, in the space of a month I have had BBA and GSA appear in my tank 
not a huge amount but enough to be quite noticeable. Also I noticed that my crypts leaves no longer had the nice sheen on them that they once had 

Therefore on Monday I scraped off as much GSA as possible and started to dose Excel again, four days later every single bit of BBA has turned white and I reckon it will be gone within a week or so 

and my Crypts are looking lovely again.
So who wants to buy just under 2 liters of Neutro Co2 from me? 

Seachem Flourish Excel FTW 
Why are you dosing the same amount for N Co2. Excel uses less than the N stuff therefore you'd be dosing double than you would be with Excel lol?
Um, I am using the correct stated amount per day as per the instructions for each product 

Flourish Excel = 5ml per 200L per day
Neutro Co2 = 5ml per 250L per day
So I actually dose less Neutro Co2 than I do Excel  
I don't know the dose rate or strength of either but you could test each with a dip strip.
I'd be less willing to dismiss one or the other before doing a true comparison re: strength, dose rate and cost.
But interesting observations. Thanks.
SO19Firearms said:
I don't know the dose rate or strength of either but you could test each with a dip strip.
I'd be less willing to dismiss one or the other before doing a true comparison re: strength, dose rate and cost.
But interesting observations. Thanks.
No problems,
I have always stuck to the daily recommended amounts in till I noticed the BBA and GSA, I then slightly upped the dosage of Neutro Co2 but to no avail. 
Excel as the correct stated dosage looks to have taken care of the problem. 
SO19Firearms said:
I don't know the dose rate or strength of either but you could test each with a dip strip.
I'd be less willing to dismiss one or the other before doing a true comparison re: strength, dose rate and cost.
But interesting observations. Thanks.
This is actually a very good idea!
Should be done with all 3 big brands

Neutro co2
Seachem Excel and
Well I have access to all three types but don't have any dip strips, so if someone wants to send me three strips I will put them all to the test. 
Where can we get dip sticks for carbon?

If i knew what i was looking for or where to look i might get some:)
Be interesting to know which is most potent
SLIM said:
Where can we get dip sticks for carbon?

If i knew what i was looking for or where to look i might get some:)
Be interesting to know which is most potent
My thoughts exactly! are they even available? 
No idea. Where is Firearms?? This was his idea lol
i dont think its a carbon test you need to do, excel contains other chemicals in that is why it is so good at getting rid of algae, where as Neutro Co2 may just be liquid co2 i also use Neutro Co2 to try and combat algae, again nothing is happening with me altho when i spot dose the algae they do go red after a day or two, this is interesting and in fact makes me want to buy excel :) if you say it turns white and then die interesting read, and what would be nice is the chemical data sheets of all 3 products as well

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