Hello everyone,
I would just like to post my experience in regards to BBA and 2 different Liquid Co2 products. Since I have started keeping planted tanks around two years ago I have always does the recommended daily amount Seachem Flourish Excel, in this time I have not had any major issues with BBA or GSA.
Recently I started to run low on the Excel so decided to save a few ££ by changing to Neutro Co2, ordered 2 liters and started to does the same daily amount as I was with Excel, in the space of a month I have had BBA and GSA appear in my tank
not a huge amount but enough to be quite noticeable. Also I noticed that my crypts leaves no longer had the nice sheen on them that they once had
Therefore on Monday I scraped off as much GSA as possible and started to dose Excel again, four days later every single bit of BBA has turned white and I reckon it will be gone within a week or so
and my Crypts are looking lovely again.
So who wants to buy just under 2 liters of Neutro Co2 from me?
Seachem Flourish Excel FTW
I would just like to post my experience in regards to BBA and 2 different Liquid Co2 products. Since I have started keeping planted tanks around two years ago I have always does the recommended daily amount Seachem Flourish Excel, in this time I have not had any major issues with BBA or GSA.
Recently I started to run low on the Excel so decided to save a few ££ by changing to Neutro Co2, ordered 2 liters and started to does the same daily amount as I was with Excel, in the space of a month I have had BBA and GSA appear in my tank

Therefore on Monday I scraped off as much GSA as possible and started to dose Excel again, four days later every single bit of BBA has turned white and I reckon it will be gone within a week or so

and my Crypts are looking lovely again.
So who wants to buy just under 2 liters of Neutro Co2 from me?

Seachem Flourish Excel FTW