Is anyone using Seachem Excel in place of Co2 and how does it work for you? I have started my first planted tank with amazon swords, java fern, scarlett temple, and some anubias nana. So it's a fairly low light, low-tech set up. I have a Twinstar S600 at 50% for 6 hours a day. I have the root tabs from Aquarium Co-op around the swords and scarlett temple and dosing with Easy Green for the rest of the plants.
I am not sure I want to start Co2 yet - I'm sure I will eventually. I am just trying to get my feet wet (pun intended) with plants and get them established before I get the tank stocked. I don't want to add the learning curve with Co2 on top of it right now. So for the time being I am wondering if Excel would help keep my plants looking healthy and thriving.
Thanks in advance for any input!
I am not sure I want to start Co2 yet - I'm sure I will eventually. I am just trying to get my feet wet (pun intended) with plants and get them established before I get the tank stocked. I don't want to add the learning curve with Co2 on top of it right now. So for the time being I am wondering if Excel would help keep my plants looking healthy and thriving.
Thanks in advance for any input!