Sea water?


New Member
Aug 10, 2005
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Hi I mentioned in another post that I was thinking of using ocean water in my new set up I got a big NO from somebody and was wondering every1 elses opinion.
A couple of my friends use it and it works fine 4 them.
Not sure which way to go. :*)
Where in the UK are you? Obviously if you are collecting from some remote part of Scotland the quality is going to be much better than from say the South East.
Hi there

Have a look in the 'Reefs' section on Ultimate Reef

There is a post there by a guy called Jaggy, how is using seawater at the moment

Post Name:- Going All Natural Seawater........, waits for gasps

No one likes to read it, but, it IS a risk. There IS a way to process the SW at home to ensure safety, however, even if you can find a safe place without pollution to collect it, you can't be sure if you are going to pick up a natural parasite that may cause problems with your tank.

If you do use it, some use UV sterlizers and also store it for a week or 2. In general, and in most texts on marine reefs, the overall recommendation is not to use it. SH
If you can be sure that the quality of your NSW is good then feel free to use it. Whilst it does carry a risk of adding pathogens etc to the tank its a risk that you must decide upon for yourself. My systems are run on NSW and have been for nearly 3 years now. The only disaster iever had was wen i had my largest system running on artificial water and suffered an oodinium outbreak . I have never had these problems with NSW. As for not being able to use a tank 50/50 well this is not entirely correct. My first system was artifical salt and i changed this over to NSW over the coure of 6 months. I simply did water changes and each tim ei added with NSW instead of a mix.

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