Sea Salt


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2004
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London, UK
I've been told to use sea salt (Sodium Chloride) for a hatcher for my brime shrimp, but sodium chloride is just normal table salt, can I not just use that?

Although I have heard of some that have successfully used tblsalt I would advise against it. Tblsalt contains other incredients besides seasalt that could be detrimental to the fish.
Ah, I see, can sea salt be purchased from normal supermarkets or do I have to go to my lfs?

The pet aisle at your local supermarket may have aquarium salt designed for use with fish in lieu of you having to make the extra trip to the lfs... I know I found *sea* salt next to the regular salt in my supermarket... I'm really not sure if sea salt and *aquarium* salt are the same thing by different names.... I've used seasalt medicinally for myself and the family to help treat minor cuts and abrations but haven't tried it in my tanks so couldn't comment as to it's effectiveness. Maybe someone else can expound a bit on that one.
it's just the lfs is closed when I finish work and the supermarket is open, i'll have a look later on.

Supermarket "seasalt" is not the same as Marine aquarium salt. I think that the 1st variety is simply sea water that has had the salt removed (by boiling?) Basically it is sea salt but many vital trave eliments are not in the salt and this may well cause trouble for any livesotck that tries to live within it.

The reason i know this was beacuse 6 years ago my son (who was then only 18 months old) killed my entire reef tank by thinking he was helping daddy do a water chaange and adding a whole tub of "sea salt" into the tank when i was out the room. It was a sunday and of course the shops were shut, I had no spare aquarium salt left soi phoned the shop owner at home and he kindly opened up to let me get aquarium salt. this took an hour and in thi time i lost all my fish, corals and invertabrates.


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