Sea apple bad??


New Member
Jul 5, 2004
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Hey all, Im new to this G'day
Well I did something bad..I bought a sea apple out of stupid impulse and then read all this bad crap about them..I know, I know, I broke all the rules. Well my question is...should I keep it or send it packing right back to where it come from. I have 2 clownfish, 1 golden headed sleeper goby, 1 green mandarin, 1 dragon wrasse (juvi) and a yellow forktail blenny. It seems to be doing ok so far. It got a little agitated when I first put it in (it blew itself up at least twice its size, then shrunk back to normal size) but now its settled in near my filter outlet and i bought some phytoplankton from the lfs to feed it. Its real pretty, but I dont know if I could handle having all my fish die because of a stupid $28 sea spple.
Thanks in advance
Sea apples can give off harmful toxins if they die or become stressed. You dont mention the size of your tank. Anything below 50 gallons would be serious if this sea apple gave off toxins. They would very quickly pollute the tank and kill the fish. WIth a larger system at least you might have time to react and do a quick water change etc.


Do you intend to keep corals and other inverts? If so then your dragon wrasse is a definate "no no" for the tank.. They grow large and very aggressive. They will pick up corals, live rock and similar things and chuck then around the tank, they will also wipe out any smails or crabs in the tank as they grow larger

One of my favorite fish but i have seen the damage they can do and wont have one in my tank :no: :byebye: :*)
ok well i would just say take him back, dont evan put him in your tank, they are really only for somone who is an expert. i would liek to have one too but i dont think i would do very good :X
thanks for the input. My tank is a 29gal i think, I really should measure it and get the exact size. I plan to put the dragon wrasse into a larger tank once its cycled (75gal) I just couldnt resist him. He was so cute. I think I will take back the sea apple. I dont think I want to risk it.

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