Scum In Tank


New Member
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
The Countryside
Quick question from the newbie :p
I have two bettas, each in an 11 litre heated tank (sorry, no idea how many gallons!). I do about 50% water change every couple of days as they are not filtered.
But on the surface of the water there seems to be some kind of scum - not coloured so I doubt it's algae.

Anything to worry about?

I did think it may just be due to having hard water where I live - occasionally you'd get a similar kind of film on a cup of tea! But I asked Natsuko who seemed to think it was a Bad Thing...
It's probably no biggie, just a mixture of dust, food proteins, and betta spit!
I used to get this all the time with my bettas who were in bowls, as long as you do regular
water changes you should be fine. Do you have lids on their tanks?
bettas in unfiltered tanks get that!
i have 2 bettas that do that, i just scoop it off (should be white and slimey), and water changes twice a week.
it won't harm them in the short term as long as they get their water changes.
Thanks for the replies guys, it's not slimy though! More probably dust and stuff.

Yeah I have vented lids on both tanks, I heard they could jump well! :rolleyes:
hey. i also get that if i have bettas in smaller unfiltered tanks. I think it's due to having no surface agitation. Water changes will help, as people have mentioned, but you may want to try putting an airator in (on low speed) or stir the water gently one or two times per day.

What do you feed your bettas? I noticed that when I feed mine HBH Betta Bites I get a film on the surface of the water.
I get the film in one of my betta tanks that are not filtered & i think its the betta that makes the film.
I only seem to get it now and again. :thumbs: Nothing to worry about. :)

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