Scratch on glass


Aug 17, 2004
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Kent, England.
Hi, Some Sand was caught in my Magnet cleaner, and stupid me, without checking moved the cleaner. Now there's a scratch, on the inside. Near the top of the Aquarium.

Is there a way of making of making it less noticeable?
If you can feel the scratch with you finger nail your not going to get it out. But if you cant feel the scratch , you can buy a glass polishing kit. Then it would mean emptying you tank and getting busy with a drill and the polishing compounds. Making sure you clean the tank extremely well after.

Ive been there and done that with the polishing kit, personally I wouldn't bother. If it bothers you that much I would go and buy another tank, that's what I did.
Sod buying another tank, this one's only 3 months old.

Thanks anyway!!!

I might just turn the tank around so the scratch is at the back, as in the new year it will have to be moved anyway.

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