

Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
London - UK
Here's a couple of pic's of Scooby, he's nearly 2 now and is the best behaved puppy in the world!! We think he is a cross between a collie and a terrier but are not sure.

He is so soppy, it is unbelievable and he is so good with our son who has just turned 1. We were worried he might get jealous when the bubba came along but we make sure we have Scooby time and he is brilliant!!

Let me know what you think of him!


Christmas Scooby dressed as 'Max' from 'The Grinch'!!!
i agree with Natsuko i can definatley see jack russel in him,he looks a bit like my friends dog (called scrappy) which is a jack russel.and i used to have a rough collie i wouldnt have thought he was a bit of collie. anyway lovely dog :wub:
Awww, lookit - aint he lovely, even though he looks mighty tee'd off in that last one!
Don't blame him for looking a bit peeved......... he's prob thinking daft human putting reindeer horns on me and taking my pic........ Just you wait until I get my own back and draw on you and take your pic and post it lol.......

Well thats the sort of thing I'd think if I was a dog! Must admit my dog wouldnt keep them things on for more than two seconds yet alone let me take his pic (he's camera shy)

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