Scissor Tails


New Member
Oct 30, 2006
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G'day All,

I have 5 sicssor tails and they all stay up the top left hand corner of the tank. I thought at first it was the chest that I had that bubles away every now and again, but I turn that off a week ago and they are stll only go to the other side of the tank for a few secs and then fly back over to there "Safety Corner" Without the chest in the tank is exactly the same on both sides, same plants and everything . The only difference is the inlet for the filter is on the right hand side and the outlet is on the left.

Any ideas????


G'day Gazoo,

I have one bala shark in with them that I'm trying to find a home for after finding out that they like to be in groups and i don't have the tank size for thie size. 5 Guppies and 2 Bristle nose cat fish All in a 150 litre 3 foot extend height tank. Any ideas what else I could put in the tank?


There was a thread a couple of years back, damned if I can find it now, which asked a simple question, "why do my fish stay in a particular spot". The thread went on for ages. It's one of those question where every suggestion made, the exact opposite could also be true. There is something there they like, conversley there is something in the rest of the tank they do not. The definition of that "something" was extensive and varied.

You could try to swap the inlet and outlet around and see if they move. Other then that, well, it could be something they like, conversley...
I have one bala shark in with them that I'm trying to find a home for after finding out that they like to be in groups and i don't have the tank size for thie size. 5 Guppies and 2 Bristle nose cat fish All in a 150 litre 3 foot extend height tank.
Aren't bala sharks a very fast swimming fish that can get spooked easily? :unsure: I wonder if the scissortails are feeding off of this energy??

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